Without advertising, your business will fail. But no matter how excellent your product, if no one knows about it you have no sales, no revenue, no business. If you are a start up business you must get your name and products known to your potential customers. Small businesses, personal traders, and home-based businesses are often constrained by advertising budgets. It does not have to be so. Advertising can be as inexpensive as you want or as expensive as you want. The idea is to get the attention of your potential customer.
Television, print, radio, bulletin announcements, billboards, streamers and posters are some of the more popular ways to advertise. Don’t ignore the internet -create a good domain name with an attractive website and submit your site for free to search engines and web directories. Make attractive and simple business cards and swap them with other businesses. Offer free printing or charge a reduced fee of labels and stands used in commercial establishments. The variations are almost endless.
The idea is to get as much exposure as much you can because without exposure your business will not happen. Don't just think things out, action is what is important. Promote your product with energy. There are many goods and services on the market. A product that is not advertised properly will not be noticed. Many great innovations have not found their market due to a lack of effective advertising.
You must get out and advertise. Even if at first you only attracting a single person. One good word of mouth will spread, giving you some initial exposure that you can build on. There is one more very important point to consider you can spend a fortune on advertising your product. But you only get one chance with the customer. Your product must live up to what has been promised and deliver the benefits advertised. Good advertising plus a good product will result in growing sales.
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